The first international career support network for women in Beijing.
Viva This Month: Slurping Soup and Other Confusions
Wednesday 27 April 2011
With Guest Speakers Kathryn Tonges & Cherie Emigh
Our April event looks at how the six authors of a new expat resource overcame the typical writer’s block to write about coping with the family challenges of living internationally.Two of the Beijing based authors will introduce their just-published resource “Slurping Soup and Other Confusions: True Stories and Activities to Help Third Culture Kids during Transition”. They will highlight their personal writing process, share readings, and explain the crucial need for support for third culture kids and their parents.
Event details
Date Wednesday 27 April 2011
Time 6:30pm for 7pm start. Event concludes at 9pm.
EN: Westin Beijing Chaoyang, No. 1 Xinyuan Nanlu
CN: 金茂北京威斯汀大饭店, 新源南路 1 号 朝阳区 北京
CN: 金茂北京威斯汀大饭店, 新源南路 1 号 朝阳区 北京
Cost: Members – RMB 180; non-members – RMB 250.
Registration closes at 5pm on Monday 25th for this event. Visit www.vivabeijing.org for more information.